Sunday, July 20, 2008

Multiple resource support in Silverlight

if u kow initial steps, then follow from step 27. This will work for silverlight 2.0. I dont sure this technique is required for new versions.

1. Open Visual Studio

2. Click File \ New Project...

3. Select Visual C# \ Silverlight \ Silverlight Application

4. In the name field type TestProj

5. Click ok and ok

6. In the Project Explorer

7. Right click on the TestProj (c# Icon) Project

8. Click Add \ New Folder

9. Name it Resources

10. Right click on Resources folder and click add New Item...

11. Select Resources File

12. Name it MyResource.resx and click ok

13. Open the new created MyResource.resx

14. In the Access Modifier: dropdown select Public

15. In the Name Field type tb1 and value “tb1 in english”

16. Repeat with Name Field type tb2 and value “tb2 in english”

17. In the file MyResource.Designer.cs change “internal MyResource() {“ to “public MyResource() {”

18. Click Save, press F5 and add debugging to web.config

19. IE opens up with a blank page

20. Close IE

21. Open Page.xaml in xaml editor window

22. In the user control add a new xml namespace xmlns:Loc="clr-namespace:TestProj.Resources"

23. Add a locstrings as a resource to your page eg: x:Name="LocStrings" />

24. Inside the grid add a Textblock and bind it to your resource Tb1 eg:

25. The String should appear in the Design view above

26. Wrap the textblock inside a vertical stackpanel and add a second Textkblock

27. In Project Explorer right click on MyResource.resx and copy and paste it into the resources folder

28. Rename “Copy of MyResource.resx” to “” (DE is the two letter language code for Duetch)

29. Open Edit the value to “tb1 auf deutsch” and “tb2 auf deutsch”

30. repeat step 28 for creating resource in fr, nl (you can add any no of copies depends upon ur requirement).

So we have 4 resource files(since i created resource files for de, fr and nl)
1. MyResource.resx

30. Click Save, press F5

31. Notice the files \\bin\debug\de\MyResource.resources.dll

32. right click on project and select Properties

33. select build events, in post-build event command line, copy paste following
xcopy /SY "$(TargetDir)de" "$(SolutionDir)$(ProjectName)Web\ClientBin\de\"
xcopy /SY "$(TargetDir)fr" "$(SolutionDir)$(ProjectName)Web\ClientBin\fr\"
xcopy /SY "$(TargetDir)nl" "$(SolutionDir)$(ProjectName)Web\ClientBin\nl\"

34. Compile
35. refresh bin/debug folder
36. check wether bellow files are shown

if any of the file is missing, suppose if is not shown, then go to \\bin\debug\nl folder, copy n paste testproj.resources.dll, and rename it move this file to \\bin\debug folder

37 Compile and execute.

38. open Page.xaml.cs file
write in
//textbox uses resource of deutch,
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de"); }

39 Compile and execute.