Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Display <div> content in column wise


Here explain a way to display multiple <div> in column wise. To achieve this, we required one Parent <div>, and parent div contains multiple child <div>, we list child <div> in column wise.

To achieve this we just need a style like below.



* {

           box-sizing : border-box ;


/* Create equal columns that floats next to each other */

                        float:left ;

                        padding : 10px;



/* Clear floats after the columns */


                 content : "";

                        display : table;

                        clear : both;



hope style is straight forward, width in style-class .column and display in style-class .row:after is crucial here. Width property defining number of column to be displayed.



you should required one parent and multiple child <div> tags. Below is parent should look like below. Parent should refer style-class "row



Child should refer style-class "column" and put your content under the <div> tag 


<divname="child"class="column"style= "background: cornflowerblue" >


Once complete above, your child <div> will list in two column. If you decrease the width property of style-class .column to 30%, then <div> will list in 3 column, like that you could reduce the width to list desired level of columns.

HTML should be like below.


<divname="parent"style="width: 100%;"class="row">

           <divname="child"class="column"style= "background: cornflowerblue" >


                               My Content 1




           <divname="child"class="column"style= "background: cornflowerblue" >


                               My Content 2




           <divname="child"class="column"style= "background: cornflowerblue" >


                               My Content 3




           <divname="child"class="column"style= "background: cornflowerblue" >


                               My Content 4






1 comment:

Rosh Mohan said...

In angular (version 2.0 or above) below code implementation will work

<div class="row">
          <div class="column" *ngFor='let obj of objCollection' style="background-color: darkgray;">

                    <div style="width:100%;align-content: left;">

                              <label style="font-weight:bold">{{obj.Name}}</label>
                              <tr><td>EmployName</td><td>{{obj.Name}}</td> </tr>
                              <tr><td>Sex</td><td>{{obj.Sex}}</td> </tr>